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Home > Social Engineering > How to set up a phishing simulation
How to set up a phishing simulation
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Phishing Campaign - User Guide


Our phishing assessments allow you to review your organization’s awareness of social engineering threats. To begin a new phishing assessment, first, you will need to add the list of employees you would like to send the phishing assessment to. You can upload a CSV to input the list manually.


Once the employees are added, you will want to create a new campaign by clicking the new campaign button in the top right corner of your screen.



You will then need to input the template name you wish to call this assessment and select which phishing simulation email you would like to utilize.


Once you have selected the appropriate template, you can scroll to the bottom to send a test email to yourself to ensure there are no deliverability issues. If you do not receive the test email, click “Need help with email whitelisting?”. If you still continue to not receive the test emails, please reach out to our support team for assistance.


Next, you will want to select the employees you wish to send the phishing email(s) to. Then click “Next.”


The final step will allow you to run the campaign now or later and allow you to select the dates.



Once the phishing simulation has been completed, you will have an option to View Results


Once the results have finished processing, your results will appear and they will look similar to this.




Sent - Phishing simulation was sent

Opened - Phishing simulation email was viewed

Clicked - Phishing simulation email link was clicked inside email

Reported - Phishing simulation email was reported as spam

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